Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More pictures

Found some more pictures on my external HD from a few weeks ago before we moved into the new base and I just got them up on Facebook. Here are the links:



I also updated last week's album with the joy of the swiss chocolate fondue party:


This Monday, I took a trip into Mt. Druitt (a nearby Suburb) specifically to go to Starbucks. I've been in Australia for over a month now, and that was the first time I'd had coffee from the mother land. I was so overcome with joy when I walked in that I had to explain my story to the Barista. I told her I was from Seattle and that I haven't had Starbucks in over a month. She said she was nervous to make my Grande Java Chip Frapuccino because I really knew what it should taste like. When I took my first sip, I smiled at her and said, "It tastes like home".... ;-} I hung out in Starbucks for a few hours to work on some homework, listen to John Mayer on my iPod and pretend like I was back home. This album documents my journey, as well as some of the other shenanigans of early this week.


Hope you all are surviving the snow back home. I'll try my best to send some of the heat from down here up your way, though I don't think we have much to spare--it's only been in the 70's the last few days.... ;-}

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