Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Outreach Update

Hi friends! I just wanted to give you a quick update on our outreach. We had planned to go to two countries in North Africa, but the doors have been closing for one of the countries, so we've decided to spend our first three weeks of outreach with one of the other teams in Paris! We all feel a huge peace about it, especially me, because I'm pretty sure I'm called to go to the other country some time in the future, so it's not totally off the books for me. ;-} So, be praying for us! We really need to get a heart for France before we leave and have some hardkore unity going on with the other team. We have praise reports of finances coming in already, but keep praying! Know that the prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective. I can't wait to update you all after God provides for us!!! More details when I have them.

Love you all!!!
Au revoir!


Unknown said...

Paris is fine by me. You could just go there and then COME HOME! :)

Jami Janelle said...

wow. I have felt like you were supposed to go to Paris since you told me that it was one of the options. Thought it was just me... guess it wasn't. I love it when God does crazy awesome stuff like that! I am praying for amazing opportunities and a window into the lives of the people of Paris that only God could give you. I am praying for hearts to be open to receiving and hearing the words of the Lord that you have to share. I am praying for a daily unity and a deep love to be built and grown between all of your team members and shared with the people of Paris. I am praying for miracles and hearts to be filled to overflowing with Jesus as you share how God has rocked your worlds with His amazing love. God is going to do great things in and through you dear one! Love you heaps! Mwah!

K said...

YEAH, FRANCE!!! The people there need Jesus just like we all do. I'm super excited for you friend! I will be praying for your time in Paris and your unity with the team and finances and the other country too. LOVE YOU BUDDY!!!!! *Big huge gigantic hugs!!*