Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Week of DTS

Hi friends! What a crazy week it has been! We went from the hottest weather on earth to cold and rain, so it feels a bit like home. ;-} We had our first official week of classes this past week. We had Sunday afternoon and Monday morning and afternoon off. I spent most of the weekend cleaning out our room and packing so we can move into the new base. We had to disassemble our beds and lay all of our mattresses on the floor, so our room is absolute chaos right now--I'll try to post some pictures when I get a chance--it's pretty hysterical.

I also had my first experience attempting to do laundry at the base. We don't have a dryer, so we have to hang everything out on a line, which is normally not a problem, but it's been raining for the past three days.... Most of my clothes are dry now, but the stuff that is still wet is hanging all over the disassembled bed pieces in our room. ;-}

This week, our lecture series is on the Father Heart of God. It has been challenging and thought provoking so far. Pray that God will give us all understanding to take in what he is trying to teach us and that he would give our speaker, Tom, wisdom to deliver the Word effectively. This week is also 24/7 Worship week, which has been really intense as well. The Lord has been teaching me some pretty sweet things about worship as I am spending time with him. Pray that he continues to reveal himself to me so I can worship him with all I've got in spirit and in truth.

Also pray for us as we get ready to move into the new base! We're really excited about the move, but it's going to be a lot of work for everyone. Today, we went and started to clean the rooms--everything is covered with dust because the building has been empty for the past two years. Pray that God will provide everything we need for the move, and pray that he will get the glory for the awesome things he's doing for us!

Love you all and miss you bunches!

Love from Australia,

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