Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Pictures

Just uploaded new pictures from the past two weeks. You'll get to see some pictures of my "mates", who are just about the coolest people on the face of the earth, I reckon. (I'm learning the Aussie lingo).

Here are the links:

God is continuing to rock our faces off through the lectures on the Father Heart of God. He's doing some serious work in all of us, revealing to us the awesome power of being adopted as sons in Christ to be in a love relationship with God (Ephesians Ch 1). Our speaker, Tom Hallis, is one of the head honchos of YWAM. He told us today that he thinks our school is pretty special and that God is going to do some big things through us, which is pretty exciting because he's seen a lot of schools and a lot of students over his last 40 years working with Youth With a Mission.

A huge praise! We started moving stuff into the new building! God has provided in some pretty ridiculous ways for us to move in there, and it's finally happening! They moved over some of the furniture today, and we should be in there for real next week! We're SO excited, especially since we girls in the dorm have been sleeping on the floor for the past two nights.

Well, the last of my photos have just uploaded, so I guess it's off to bed to prepare for another amazing day with the Lord!

Love you all!

P.S. What is this craziness I hear about Griffey coming back to Seattle??? Whoda thunk?


Unknown said...

Yes, but Griffey is OLD!!! Don't expect too much more than a morale boost out of him.

Felix misses you! He cried himself to sleep last night and tried to bribe his way into our room by bringing a catnip mouse to the doorstep.

Maggie said...

Kitty!!! I miss him too!!! I expect to see the cats in our first Skype/webcam conversation. ;-}

K said...

Yeah, no kidding about Griffey! I remember when I was about 10 I got a KGJ baseball glove...but seriously, that was like 13 years ago (almost)...

Your namesake says "meow" - interpretation - "Hi Maggie, I love you!"

Love you, beautiful! God bless you (it sounds like He is, in amazing ways)! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Has anyone heard from Maggie this week? We talked to her on 2/22 but not a peep since. --Maggie's worry wort Mom.